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Enthusiast Groups => AMG Technology and Special Series => Topic started by: fasteddy on July 10, 2008, 11:29:00 PM

Title: AMG SL65 Black Series
Post by: fasteddy on July 10, 2008, 11:29:00 PM
Das Sondermodell Black Series unterscheidet sich deutlich von der Serienversion des SL 65 AMG. Auf den ersten Blick f?llt sofort das modifizierte Karosseriekleid auf. Ausgestellte Radh?user vermitteln auch im Stra?enverkehr Motorsport-Flair und lassen den SL um 14 Zentimeter in die Breite wachsen.
Mercedes SL 65 AMG Black Series
(31 Bilder)
zur Fotoshow

Neben den gro?en Lufteinl?ssen in der Frontsch?rze finden sich am Heck weitere Renn-Gene. Ein Diffusor in Carbon-Optik sowie ein manuell auf Knopfdruck oder ein ab 120 km/h automatisch um zw?lf Zentimeter ausfahrender Heckfl?gel sorgen f?r weitere sportliche Akzente. Bei 200 km/h steigert die aerodynamische Hilfe den Gesamtabtrieb um 50 Kilogramm. Gegen?ber der Serienversion reduzierten die Entwickler den Auftriebsbeiwert um 0,1 auf -0,125. Durch die gewachsenen Ma?e verschlechterte sich allerdings auch der cW-Wert deutlich von 0,31 auf 0,37. Dank zahlreicher Leichtbauteile aus Kohlefaser-verst?rktem Kunststoff (CFK) konnte im Gegenzug das Leergewicht um 250 auf 1.870 Kilogramm reduziert werden. Neben den Kotfl?geln, der Motorhaube, dem Heckdeckel sowie dem Fl?gel wurde auch die Dachpartie aus dem leichten Werkstoff neu konstruiert. Der Wegfall des Klappdaches samt Versenkmimik spart zus?tzliches Gewicht. So verf?gt das Black Series-Modell ?ber ein Festdach, dessen Dachlinie um 15 Zentimeter weiter nach hinten verl?uft.

670 PS dank neuer Turbolader

Neben der Gewichtsreduzierung erhielt das Zw?lfzylinder-Aggregat eine Leistungsspritze um 58 auf 670 PS. Damit das V12-Herzst?ck noch st?rker pocht, wurden die beiden Turbolader neu konzipiert und der Spiralquerschnitt der Lader um zw?lf Prozent vergr??ert. Dank neu entwickelter Endschalld?mpfer konnte abgasseitig au?erdem der Gegendruck reduziert werden. Gro?e Lufteinl?sse in der Frontsch?rze sorgen f?r eine verbesserte Bel?ftung des gest?rkten Triebwerks. F?r eine verbesserte Ableitung der Motorw?rme wurden das L?fterrad gegen?ber der Serienversion schr?g positioniert und Entl?ftungsschlitze in der Motorhaube integriert. "Die Themen K?hlung und Kraftstoffversorgung sind in diesem Leistungsbereich sehr schwierig", erkl?rt Klaus K?ster, Leiter Entwicklung SL-Fahrzeuge und AMG Performance Studio Projekte. So musste der 80-Liter-Serientank im Bereich des Tankeinf?llstutzens sowie mit einer neuen Oberschale stark modifiziert werden. Anders als in den SL-Serienmodellen mit au?enliegender Kraftstoffpumpe arbeitet im Black Series ein innenliegendes Pumpensystem. Aufgrund der h?heren F?rdermenge wurde die serienm??ige Kraftstoffpumpe durch ein neues System, das auch in der S-Klasse und im Bugatti Veyron arbeitet, ersetzt.

320 km/h und 1.000 Nm Drehmoment

Der st?rkste SL gl?nzt mit seinem Leistungsplus nicht nur auf dem Papier. Der Sprint auf Tempo 100 soll nach 3,9 Sekunden absolviert sein und der Vortrieb erst beim 320 km/h elektronisch gez?gelt werden. F?r die Verz?gerung ist die gleiche Bremsanlage wie in der Serienversion verantwortlich, allerdings sorgt eine aktive Anstr?mung f?r zus?tzliche Bel?ftung. Durch elektronische Eingriffe ins Motormanagement wird auch hier das maximale Drehmoment von 1.200 auf 1.000 Newtonmeter begrenzt. "Mehr Drehmoment k?nnte beim Anfahrvorgang nicht auf die Stra?e gebracht werden, und auch wegen der Belastung des Getriebestrangs ist mehr nicht m?glich", sagt AMG-Mann K?ster. Daher bleibt es im Black Series-Modell bei der bekannten F?nfgang-Automatik. Anders als beim schnellschaltenden Siebengang-Sportgetriebe (100 Millisekunden) im SL 63 AMG erfolgen die Gangwechsel hier im schnellsten Schaltmodus M2 in maximal 255 Millisekunden. F?r den richtigen Grip sind gr??er dimensionierte Reifen im Format 265/35 R19 (vorn) sowie 325/30 R 20 (hinten) auf neu gestalteten Leichtmetallr?dern verantwortlich.

Agiles Handling durch Gewindefahrwerk

Neben gesteigerter Leistung und Gewichtsreduzierung soll das neu konzipierte Gewindefahrwerk f?r agileres Handling sorgen. So wuchs die Spurweite an der Vorderachse um 97, an der Hinterachse um 85 Millimeter. Mittels Bordwerkzeug aus dem Kofferraum kann die Zug- und Druckstufe der Sto?d?mpfer, das Fahrzeugniveau sowie Spur und Sturz ver?ndert werden. Radtr?ger aus Aluminium statt wie bisher aus Stahl und der Entfall des elektronisch regelbaren ABC-Fahrwerks sorgen auch im Fahrwerksbereich f?r eine Gewichtseinsparung. Durch ver?nderte Anlenkpunkte soll au?erdem das Lenkverhalten direkter werden.

Sportliches Interieur mit Rennschalensitzen

Im Interieur setzen neben zahlreichen Carbon-Applikationen verschiedene Neuerungen sportliche Akzente. So wurde das unten abgeflachte Sportlenkrad um 15 Millimeter verkleinert und das Kombiinstrument im schwarz-wei?en Look neugestaltet. Eine im Drehzahlmesser positionierte Schaltanzeige aus vier aufblitzenden Leuchtdioden (dreimal gelb, einmal rot) macht den SL-Piloten auf die Drehzahlgrenze von 6.100/min aufmerksam. Auch die neuen CFK-Schalensitze vermitteln Rennsport-Charakter. Ohne Sidebags sind die Sitze allerdings nur in der ECE-Version und beispielsweise nicht auf dem amerikanischen Markt zugelassen, ebenso wie die T?rinnenverkleidungen aus Kohlefaser.

Ab Januar 2009 zum Startpreis von ?ber 300.000 Euro

Gerade der US-Markt ist mit ?ber 50 Prozent das Hauptabsatzgebiet von AMG. "Wir planen mit einem Produktionsvolumen von 350 Fahrzeugen, 200 davon werden wahrscheinlich in die USA gehen", erkl?rt Entwicklungsleiter K?ster. Ab Januar 2009 erfolgt im Daimler-Werk Bremen-Sebaldsbr?ck in einer separaten Fertigungslinie der Teilaufbau (ohne Kotfl?gel, Motorhaube, Heckdeckel) des st?rksten SL, bevor im AMG-Stammwerk in Affalterbach die Endmontage vorgenommen wird. Die Laufzeit f?r den rund 310.000 Euro teuren SL wird zw?lf Monate betragen.

 SL 65 AMG Black Series
 Motor   6,0 Liter-V12
 Leistung   670 PS
 Drehmoment   1.000 Nm
 Beschleunigung    3,9 s
 Vmax    320 km/h
 Verbrauch    14,4 L/100 km
Title: Re: AMG SL65 Black Series
Post by: fasteddy on July 10, 2008, 11:32:50 PM
Title: Re: AMG SL65 Black Series
Post by: fasteddy on July 10, 2008, 11:46:57 PM
The special Black Series model differs significantly from the serial version of the SL 65 AMG. At first glance, immediately the modified body dress. Exhibited Radh?user arrange on the road motor sports flair and let the SL by 14 centimetres in width grow.
Mercedes SL 65 AMG Black Series

Besides the large air intakes in the front apron can be found at the rear further racing genes. A diffuser in Carbon-optics and a manually at the touch of a button or from 120 km / h automatically for twelve centimeters ausfahrender rear wing provide more sporting accents. At 200 km / h increases the aerodynamic help the total output of 50 kilograms. Across the series version the developers reduced the Auftriebsbeiwert by 0.1 to -0125. The growing extent deteriorated, however, the cW value from 0.31 to 0.37. Thanks to numerous parts from lightweight carbon fibre-reinforced plastic (CFRP) could return the empty weight of 250 to 1,870 kilograms reduced. In addition to the fenders, hood, rear cover and the wing was also the umbrella lot from the light material newly constructed. The removal of the folding roof Versenkmimik saves, including additional weight. Thus, the Black Series model has a fixed roof, the roof line by 15 centimetres further back runs.

670 hp thanks to the new turbocharger

In addition to the weight reduction was the twelve-cylinder engine performance syringe by 58 to 670 hp. In order for the V12-heart even more insists, the two turbochargers redesigned and the spiral cross-section of the loader to twelve percent increase. Thanks to newly developed exhaust abgasseitig could also be reduced back pressure. Large air intakes in the front apron provide an improved ventilation of the stronger engine. For a better heat dissipation of the motor, the fan to the series version diagonally positioned and ventilation openings in the hood. "The themes cooling and fuel supply in this service area very difficult", explains Klaus Koester, Head of Development SL-performance AMG vehicles and studio projects. Thus the 80-liter tank series in the field of Tankeinf?llstutzens and with a new upper shell heavily modified. Unlike in the SL-Series models with outside fuel pump works in the Black Series innenliegendes a pump system. Due to the higher flow rate was the standard fuel pump through a new system, which is also in the S-Class and the Bugatti Veyron works.

320 km / h and 1,000 Nm of torque

The strongest SL shines with its performance Plus not only on paper. The Sprint 100 on pace to be 3.9 seconds and completes the advance until the 320 km / h electronically reined. For the delay is the same braking system as in the series version responsible, but provides an active Anstr?mung for additional ventilation. Through interventions in the electronic engine management, it is the maximum torque from 1,200 to 1,000 Newton meters. "More torque at Anfahrvorgang could not on the streets, and also because of the burden of more Getriebestrangs is not possible," says AMG-man K?ster. Therefore it remains in the Black Series model in the well-known five-speed automatic. Unlike the seven-course schnellschaltenden sports gear (100 milliseconds) of the SL 63 AMG made the course change here in the fastest Schaltmodus M2 in a maximum of 255 milliseconds. For the correct grip tires are bigger-sized format 265/35 R19 (front) and 325/30 R 20 (rear) on redesigned alloy wheels.

Agiles handling by thread chassis

In addition to increased performance and weight reduction, the newly designed chassis for thread agileres handling. Thus grew the gauge at the front axle to 97, at the rear axle by 85 millimeters. With board tool from the trunk of the train and pressure stage of shock absorbers, the vehicle levels, and track and fall changed. Wheel made of aluminium instead of steel and the abolition of the electronically controlled NBC chassis includes a chassis in the area for a weight savings. By changing Anlenkpunkte will also direct the steering behavior.

Sporty interior with racing bucket seats

In addition to numerous interior set Carbon applications various innovations sporting accents. So the bottom sport steering wheel flattened by 15 millimeters and reduced the combined instrument in black and white look redesigned. A tachometer positioned Schaltanzeige four flash of light emitting diodes (three yellow, one red) makes the SL-pilots on the speed limit of 6.100/min carefully. The new carbon fiber bucket seats give racing character. Without Side bags are the only seats in the ECE version, for example, and not on the American market, as well as the interior door panels made of carbon fiber.

From January 2009 starting price of more than 300,000 euros

Especially the U.S. market with over 50 percent of the main market area of AMG. "We are planning with a production volume of 350 vehicles, 200 of them are probably in the U.S.," explains development director K?ster. From January 2009 in the Daimler-Sebaldsbr?ck Bremen factory in a separate production line part of the structure (without fenders, hood, rear cover) of the strongest SL, before the AMG headquarters in Affalterbach the final assembly is made. The duration for the approximately 310,000 euro expensive SL is twelve months.

  SL 65 AMG Black Series

  Engine 6.0-liter V12
  Power 670 hp
  Torque 1,000 Nm
  Acceleration of 3.9
  Top speed 320 km / h
  Consumption 14.4 L/100 km
Title: Re: AMG SL65 Black Series
Post by: fasteddy on July 11, 2008, 08:57:15 AM
Title: Re: AMG SL65 Black Series
Post by: fasteddy on July 11, 2008, 08:57:55 AM
Title: Re: AMG SL65 Black Series
Post by: fasteddy on July 11, 2008, 08:58:30 AM
Title: Re: AMG SL65 Black Series
Post by: fasteddy on July 11, 2008, 08:59:00 AM
Title: Re: AMG SL65 Black Series
Post by: fasteddy on July 11, 2008, 08:59:31 AM
Title: Re: AMG SL65 Black Series
Post by: fasteddy on July 11, 2008, 09:00:01 AM
Title: Re: AMG SL65 Black Series
Post by: fasteddy on July 11, 2008, 09:00:37 AM
Title: Re: AMG SL65 Black Series
Post by: fasteddy on July 11, 2008, 09:01:09 AM
Title: Re: AMG SL65 Black Series
Post by: fasteddy on July 11, 2008, 09:01:39 AM
Title: Re: AMG SL65 Black Series
Post by: fasteddy on July 11, 2008, 09:02:09 AM
Title: Re: AMG SL65 Black Series
Post by: fasteddy on July 11, 2008, 09:02:41 AM
Title: Re: AMG SL65 Black Series
Post by: fasteddy on July 11, 2008, 09:03:20 AM
Title: Re: AMG SL65 Black Series
Post by: Cdn190er on July 11, 2008, 04:07:35 PM
put me down for two Eddy
Title: Re: AMG SL65 Black Series
Post by: fasteddy on July 11, 2008, 05:29:55 PM
One would only curious how this will fair with the sister company's SLR. Yet, tuners like Brabus and Renntech can up it one notch.
Title: Re: AMG SL65 Black Series
Post by: fasteddy on July 15, 2008, 09:08:42 PM
Title: Re: AMG SL65 Black Series
Post by: fasteddy on July 15, 2008, 09:13:28 PM
Title: Re: AMG SL65 Black Series
Post by: fasteddy on July 15, 2008, 09:16:51 PM
Title: Re: AMG SL65 Black Series
Post by: fasteddy on July 25, 2008, 10:41:38 AM
Title: Re: AMG SL65 Black Series
Post by: fasteddy on November 07, 2008, 04:49:00 PM
Mercedes-Benz SL 65 AMG Black Series: Exclusive high-performance coup? for especially discerning customers
A spectacular look, unique performance data, consistently lightweight design and the highest degree of exclusivity ? these attributes sum up the new 65 AMG Black Series from Mercedes-Benz. The high-performance coup? features pure-bred motor sports technology, and introduces sports car fans to a whole new world in terms of dynamic performance. The AMG 6.0-l V12 biturbo engine, developing a maximum output of 493 kW/670 hp and maximum torque of 1,000 newton metres, guarantees the dynamic performance of a super sports car.
This high-performance two-seater was developed in the AMG PERFORMANCE STUDIO by the same experts who were responsible for designing the Official F1? Safety Car and Official F1? Medical Car. The SL 65 AMG Black Series is a continuation of the successful Black Series strategy from Mercedes-AMG, the high-performance brand from Mercedes-Benz Cars. As the new AMG top model, the SL 65 AMG Black Series outstrips the other AMG SL models: both the SL 63 AMG with its 386-kW / 525-hp AMG 6.3-l V8 engine and the SL 65 AMG, powered by an AMG 6.0-l V12 biturbo engine, developing 450 kW/612 hp.
Wide, solid and low ? that is the new Mercedes-Benz SL 65 AMG Black Series. The dynamic coup? inspires passion even when it is stationary. The distinctive wide mudguards, extendable spoiler and rear apron with diffuser fins are an unmistakable demonstration of the transfer from the motor sports world that has been part of the company philosophy at Mercedes AMG for over 40 years. In its appearance, the SL 65 AMG Black Series is reminiscent of the successful AMG racing cars, such as the DTM C-Class.
Large cooling air vents in the front apron and bonnet give a clear indication of the enormous power of the AMG biturbocharged twelve-cylinder engine. From 5,980 cc, the AMG V12 develops a maximum output of 493 kW / 670 hp at 5,400 rpm, and an electronically limited torque of 1,000 newton metres at between 2,200 and 4,200 rpm. Without limits, the AMG 6.0-l V12 biturbo engine, handmade at the AMG engine plant in accordance with the traditional philosophy ?one man ? one engine?, would develop a maximum torque of 1,200 newton metres.
Compared with the basic power train of the SL 65 AMG, which develops 450 kW / 612 hp, the turbochargers on the twelve-cylinder engine of the SL 65 AMG Black Series have been redesigned. The spiral cross-section of the turbocharger, which is twelve percent larger, together with the optimised wastegate ducts enable a higher airflow rate and even more impressive power development in all speed ranges. The modified intake air duct produces an even more spontaneous vehicle response. Redesigned mufflers in the AMG sports exhaust system reduce exhaust back pressure and help boost performance. And there is an acoustic side effect: a typically evocative AMG harmony is created by the distinctive twelve-cylinder sound that escapes from the two trapezoidal exhaust pipe ends.
The low-temperature charge air coolers are about 30 percent more effective, enabling not only a maximum power output under highly dynamic driving conditions, but also the greatest possible stability in high external temperatures. This is also assisted by the optimised water cooling system with a repositioned radiator, high-performance aspirator and large vents in the bonnet.
Attractive power/weight ratio delivers superb performance
The extraordinary engine specifications which make the SL 65 AMG Black Series the most powerful AMG model so far enable it to deliver superb performance values. It can reach a speed of 100 km/h from a standing start in just 3.8 seconds, and takes 11.0 seconds to reach 200 km/h. The top speed is 320 km/h (electronically limited).
Brief summary of the most important facts and figures:
SL 65 AMG Black Series
Cylinder arrangement, no. of valves per cylinder
Engine displacement cm3 cm?
Bore x stroke mm
82.6 x 93.0
Compression ratio
Output kW/hp
at 1 rpm
Max. torque Nm
at 1/rpm
Acceleration 0?100 km/h s
0?200 km/h s
Top speed km/h
* Electronically limited
Also responsible for the high dynamic performance is the attractive power/weight ratio of just 2.79 kg/hp ? a result of the comparably low curb weight of 1870 kg, which complies with the EU standard. This makes the SL 65 AMG Black Series 250 kg lighter than the SL 65 AMG ? a significant weight reduction derived from specific lightweight design measures. A large number of bodywork components are made from high-strength and especially lightweight carbon-fibre-reinforced plastic (CFRP), a technology which has proved its value in motor sports. The front mudguards, which are 14 cm wider, the front apron with the visible carbon fibre front splitter, the bonnet and the boot lid are all made from CFRP. The ?V12 biturbo? lettering on the front mudguards give an indication of the engine?s potency.
New CFRP roof with integrated roll bar
The roof cladding, made completely from CFRP, is presented in an all-new design. Not only does it feature an integrated roll bar, but by foregoing the Vario roof typical for SL-Class vehicles, the roofline has been made considerably flatter. This is obvious from the rear window, which is at a flatter angle to the boot lid. The CFRP spoiler incorporated in the boot lid automatically extends by 12 cm from a speed of 120 km/h, increasing the rear axle power take-off at 200 km/h by 50 kg. Viewed from behind, the rear apron with its visible carbon fibre diffuser insert is conspicuous: this incorporates the active cooling system for the rear axle limited slip differential. New, optimum-weight AMG forged wheels with a double spoke design ?19? at the front, 20? at the back ? sit impressively in the wheel housings. With the black paintwork, the high-sheen surfaces and matt finish lend an opulent look to the side profile.
Power transmission with four drive programmes and double clutch function
In keeping with its outstanding potential and high dynamic performance, the power development and chassis of the SL 65 AMG Black Series are also presented at their best. Power is transmitted to the rear wheel via an AMG SPEEDSHIFT PLUS five-speed automatic gearbox. There are four drive programmes to choose from: ?C?, ?S? and ?M1?, as well as ?M2?, which has a 20-percent quicker response time than ?M1?. Both manual programmes, ?M1? and ?M2?, allow the driver to benefit from the extreme tractive power of the V12 biturbo engine, since the gears will not automatically change down, even on full throttle; the AMG SPEED-SHIFT PLUS five-speed automatic gearbox stays reliably in the selected gear, even during kick-down shifts. In addition, a power train which is extremely direct in all driving conditions supports the torque converter bypass coupling from first gear onwards. The automatic double clutch function provides an extra thrill when changing down, as well as reducing the load alteration effects ? which has an exceedingly positive effect, especially when braking to corner on the race circuit, and also improves driving safety in wet and icy conditions.
In keeping with this vehicle?s tremendous power and torque, the power train features especially high-performance components: not only the various gearbox components, such as the clutch discs and switching and converter bypass logic, but also the drive shafts, wheel carriers and bearings, and also the spring links on the rear axle, are made to an extremely resilient design.
Completely new design for AMG coil-over sports suspension
When it comes to the chassis, the AMG experts have put their faith in a new design. The AMG sports chassis has been designed with coil-over suspension ? this solution, which has been proven in the realm of motor sports, makes it possible to adjust the pressure and flow rates of the shock absorbers and vehicle level, as well as the track and camber. Drivers can configure their own personal suspension setup, especially for use on the race circuit. Both axles feature newly developed spring links and thrust, camber and tension rods, as well as optimum weight aluminium wheel carriers. Compared with the series production SL 65 AMG , the Black Series has 115 mm more track width on the front axle, and 103 mm more on the rear axle. The new front axle kinematics creates a steering ratio which is eight percent more direct, and the completely revised elasto-kinematics ensures greater steering precision. The result: light-footed, predictable handling.
3-stage ESP? provides distinctive driving dynamics
3-stage ESP? with sports function is synonymous with the greatest possible driving pleasure and distinctive driving dynamics: the driver can use the ESP? button on the centre console to switch between ?ESP ON?, ?ESP SPORT? and ?ESP OFF? ? the selected mode is displayed on the central screen of the AMG instrument panel. In ?ESP ON? mode, in the advent of unstable driving conditions, brakes are automatically applied to one or more wheels, and the engine torque is reduced.
Briefly pressing the ESP? button activates the ?ESP SPORT? function. In this mode, automatic oversteer and understeer control as well as the accompanying engine torque adjustment allow for more dynamic driving conditions, more or less corresponding to the drift angle ? which clearly means a lot more driving enjoyment for SL 65 AMG Black Series drivers. Depressing the brake pedal fully reactivates ESP?.
Holding down the ESP? button activates the ?ESP OFF? function. This means there are no more automatic adjustments to the driving dynamics, and in general the engine torque will no longer be reduced ? for even more driving excitement. ?ESP OFF? should be used only by experienced drivers on closed-off race circuits. Even in this mode, it is still possible to reactivate all of the ESP? functions by depressing the brake pedal. Traction logic is active in all three ESP? modes. If a drive wheel starts to spin, specific automatic brake control is used to improve traction. Working together with the multiple-disc limited-slip differential, which has over 40 percent of its barrier effect in deceleration, this ensures that the enormous power of the engine is transferred to the road surface with minimum loss.
Sports tyres and compound disc brakes for top performance
The selected wheel/tyre combination is responsible for ensuring the best possible performance of the SL 65 AMG Black Series on the race circuit: on the front axle, 265/35 R 19 tyres are fitted onto 9.5? AMG light alloy wheels. On the rear axle, the impressive format is AMG 11.5 x 20 light alloy wheels with 325/30 R 20 tyres. The Sport Maxx GT tyres are supplied by DTM Motor Sports partner Dunlop; they provide especially good grip and amazing coornering speeds. Peering through the filigree double spokes on the AMG light alloy wheels will reveal the generously dimensioned AMG high-performance brake system. Vented, perforated disc brakes featuring especially high-performance compound technology are fitted all round. On the front axle, the deceleration load is borne by 6-piston fixed callipers and 390 x 36 mm brake discs, with 4-piston fixed callipers and 360 x 26 mm discs on the rear axle.
Brief summary of the brake specifications:
SL 65 AMG Black Series
Front axle:
Brake calliper Brake disc
Diameter Thickness
6-piston aluminium fixed calliper Compound technology, internal vents, perforated
390 mm
36 mm
Rear axle:
Brake calliper Brake disc
Diameter Thickness
4-piston fixed calliper
Compound technology, internal vents, perforated
360 mm
26 mm
Functional yet charming interior design
Nappa leather, alcantara and carbon ? the interior of the SL 65 AMG Black Series creates the perfect ambience to get sports car enthusiasts? hearts racing. The all-black interior exudes the functional atmosphere of a genuine racing car, while at the same time captivating with its charming details.
Newly developed AMG bucket seats in CFRP (ECE version only) provide occupants with perfect lateral support when cornering at speed. The seats without side airbags are covered with fine, black nappa leather and charcoal alcantara, and feature the distinctive AMG logo on the headrests. Fifteen mm smaller in diameter and with a perforated lateral grip area, the AMG high-performance steering wheel, with its flattened underside, provides optimum vehicle control. Silver-coloured aluminium switch paddles enable manual gear changing.
More highlights featured on the centre console are the premium quality carbon body trim, the matt-lustrous start/stop button, the new AMG gear stick with carbon insert and the AMG logo with the words ?Black Series? on the ashtray. To match these, there are carbon centre panels on the door with the AMG logo, and the roof lining and A and C columns are in charcoal alcantara. The AMG instrument panel has a completely new design: the black speedometer indicates up to 360 km/h and has been completely redesigned, as has the white rev counter with its four integrated LEDs, which indicate to the driver the optimum moment to change gear. When the ignition is switched on, the speedometer and rev counter needles move in synch to the end of their ranges then return simultaneously to their resting positions, giving the driver a clear signal to start the engine.
The AMG main menu displays more than just the selected drive programme. The driver can also view the selected ESP? mode, the engine oil temperature and the battery voltage. The integrated ?RACETIMER? stores information on the race cicuit lap times.
Further standard equipment for the SL 65 AMG Black Series includes the COMAND APS. The new multimedia device with a 6.5?-colour screen combines a car radio with double tuner, telephone, CD-/DVD changer, Bluetooth interface, drive for SD memory cards and a Europe-wide navigation system. The 40-GB hard drive ensures extra fast route calculation. An iPod, USB stick or other external audio devices can be plugged into into the COMAND system via the media interface.
Complex development process in all of the Earth?s climate zones
The complex development and testing process for the SL 65 AMG Black Series began in 2006. The AMG engineers and technicians test-drove ten prototypes and development vehicles in all of the Earth?s climate zones. Whether this involved fast laps of the N?rburgring racetrack, high-speed test drives in Nardo, Italy, wind tunnel tests, extensive test drives in the summer heat and arctic cold or real-life crash tests ? the new AMG high-performance Coup? had to prove that it was up to series production standard in every regard. In total, the SL 65 AMG Black Series notched up around 30,000 test kilometres on various circuits ? 15,000 km of which were on the northern loop of the N?rburgring racetrack, acknowledged as the most difficult race circuit in the world.
Just like the SLK 55 AMG Black Series and the CLK 63 AMG Black Series, the SL 65 AMG Black Series was developed in the AMG PERFORMANCE STUDIO, opened in 2006. The sale price is 327,250 euros (incl. 19% VAT), and the first models will be delivered to customers in November 2008. For more information on the SL 65 AMG Black Series, visit the Mercedes AMG Website:
SL 63 AMG: high-performance roadster with AMG MCT sports transmission
Besides the SL 65 AMG Black Series, there are two more SL models from AMG to choose from: the SL 63 AMG and the SL 65 AMG. Both high-performance roadsters, launched in March 2008, offer extraordinary driving dynamics, a stand-alone design and exclusive fittings. The SL 63 AMG stands for passionate performance rendered by a technological tour de force: powered by an AMG 6.3-l V8 engine, developing 386 kW / 525 hp and 630 newton metres, it is currently the highest performing model with a naturally aspirated V8 engine in its class.
The innovative AMG SPEEDSHIFT MCT 7-speed sports transmission is completely new, and exclusive to the SL 63 AMG. Instead of the traditional torque converter, the newly developed power transmission system uses a compact, wet starting clutch. The resulting direct connection with the drive train, combined with the double clutch and RACE START functions, provide for an exciting and highly dynamic driving experience. With this extraordinary power train combination and with the new, fine-tuned, more agile AMG sports suspension on an Active Body Control basis, the SL 63 AMG is setting new standards in the open sports car segment.
The SL 63 AMG accelerates from 0 to 100 km/h in 4.6 seconds, and has a top speed of 250 km/h (electronically limited). With a displacement of 6,208 cc, the high-torque induction engine develops 386 kW / 525 hp at 6,800 rpm, and has a maximum torque of 630 newton metres at 5,200 rpm. The combination of the high-torque design and large engine displacement brings together the best of both worlds: high tractive power at low speeds and exciting high speeds of up to 7,200 rpm.
SL 65 AMG with the superior AMG V12 biturbo engine
The SL 65 AMG is top of the range in the exclusive twelve-cylinder roadster segment. Its AMG 6.0-l V12 biturbo engine develops 450 kW/612 hp and a maximum torque of 1000 newton metres ? a performance which is unrivalled, even four years after its launch on the market. Impressive proof of the AMG twelve-cylinder engine?s extraordinary power is given by its accelerating power, reaching 100 km/h from standstill in 4.2 seconds; its top speed is 250 km/h (electronically limited).
These exclusive drive train dynamics are made possible by the V12 power train with 5,980 cc developed by Mercedes AMG: its maximum output of 450 kW/612 hp is always achievable between 4,800 and 5,100 rpm, while the electronically limited maximum torque of 1,000 Newton metres can be reached between 2,000 and 4,000 rpm. The AMG V12 biturbo engine develops a torque of 570 newton metres at the crankshaft at just 1,000 rpm, and 1,500 rpm takes it to 750 newton metres. As with the SL 63 AMG, the AMG sports suspension on an Active Body Control basis in the SL 65 AMG has been even further refined.
Title: Re: AMG SL65 Black Series
Post by: fasteddy on November 07, 2008, 04:50:12 PM
Title: Re: AMG SL65 Black Series
Post by: fasteddy on November 07, 2008, 04:50:50 PM
Title: Re: AMG SL65 Black Series
Post by: fasteddy on November 07, 2008, 04:51:13 PM
Title: Re: AMG SL65 Black Series
Post by: fasteddy on November 07, 2008, 04:51:38 PM
Title: Re: AMG SL65 Black Series
Post by: fasteddy on November 07, 2008, 04:52:14 PM
Title: Re: AMG SL65 Black Series
Post by: fasteddy on November 07, 2008, 04:53:02 PM
Title: Re: AMG SL65 Black Series
Post by: fasteddy on November 07, 2008, 04:53:53 PM
Title: Re: AMG SL65 Black Series
Post by: fasteddy on November 07, 2008, 04:54:24 PM
Title: Re: AMG SL65 Black Series
Post by: fasteddy on November 07, 2008, 04:54:54 PM